Wednesday, June 13, 2012




When people work together in a structured situation to achieve a common objective, they form an organization, and the aim of any organization is to produce a product or service. Therefore organization is the means by which people get thing done. In order to combine the effort of people in the organization the process of management is required. Why management is so important, a simple answer is that if management were absent in large, more organization objectives would not be reached and organization can end up in chaos. Every organization should have a well planned and effective management structure with defined roles and responsibility with respect to decision making. There is no one right organizational structured. Every organization is different, leadership can design an organizational structured which fits with the environment of the place and time. It is from this background Helgeson came up with the notion of “Web Inclusion

Helgesen in her study of successful women discovered that the workplace they led tended to be web’s of inclusion. According to her she saw communities were modeled more like a web than a hierarchy and that sharing information was key to their effectiveness. This is a model for helping us redesign the institutions that frame our lives. It's based upon the notion of dynamic connectedness. The web demonstrates the universe in operation. (Page 187, Kobrak) To her not each constituent part locks into its own immutable slot, but rather as a pulse of energy that continually evolve and assume various elements interact.
In this analysis the web is viewed as an organic in nature and in a continual state of adoption. Web of inclusion like any organization should be apt to be driven by clearly articulated values, culture and norms these can act as the glue that holds the organization missions and strategies and the structure together. Why I tend to agree with her, because, The web provides a way of relating individual parts to a great whole. Because the web is built from the center the development is never ending process. If the web works a spider does, a simultaneous activity like spinning new tendrils of connection, while also continually strengthening those that already exist.
All parts of the fabric of the web matter, all participants share directly in the responsibilities and rewards. Web of inclusion is explained as much by the process as by purpose the means to achieve their ends distinguish them from the other organization model.
The web process is more than a team approach although a web of inclusion often has a specific mission yet it plays a more lasting role because its emphasis process as well as structure establishes new ways of approaching the problem at thinking of connecting people by giving them information and motivating them. In this way transformation of the organization is achieved. As Kobrak puts it “the circle is inclusive, but it allows for flow and movement as a circular process” (pg. 186)
Web inclusion is not a standard hierarchical led from top to bottom but more circular is structured and is led from the center. On this model participation is available from grass roots structure and as such give power rather than vesting it in positional leaders. Decentralization of power and diffuse power through networks offer fulfillment of individual hence this is an incentive which positive service (encouragement). The web provides free flow of information across all levels team makes their own decision and task is more important position.
The challenge which always will be there is that to grasp the central concept of this model it is necessary only to visualize a spider works flexible constantly changing interdependent between its center and periphery. The question which goes with this notion is that can we work as a spider does? And if not what type of forces that affect the performance of modern organization to cope with change?
While traditional hierarchy is usually depicted as pyramid it is a common structure in organizations this is because they reflect natural and common techniques for human beings to deal with complexity. Hierarchical relationships are perceived as instrumental in the coordination of efforts and as determinants of power and status in social relationships. A system with too many layers of hierarchy and where nothing can be decided unless we go through these layers of decision this makes a typical pyramid hierarchy. In this system those at lower layers will not take any decision unless approved by the one above, hence resulting in inordinate and unwanted delay. This delay will definitely cut into the usefulness and productive time period because there too many managers hence this brings the notion of confusion and the ultimate chaos that may happen in this case will be due to the point of wondering who will take the decision hence decision has to go through many managers.
When one compares the two approaches in handling political power and formal authority one way of looking at it is through making analysis of the difference between traditional hierarchy and web inclusion;
As Kobrak argues “the top of hierarchy becomes the edge of the web and as the center of the network of connection becomes the middle of hierarchical progression.  Hierarchy emphasizing appropriate channel and the chain of command discourages diffuse or random communication; information is filtered, gathered and sorted as it makes its way to the top. The web facilitates direct communication free flowing and loosely structured, by providing points of contract which to connect (page 189)
In regard to decision making the manager operating from the center of the web can use this direct access to information not only to wide input but to test reception to decide in advance. In the web construction the figurehead is the heart rather than a head authority comes from connection to the people around rather than distance from those below, this helps to foster team approach (191), while it is easy looking but when you come to implementation it is hard. Hierarchical structure with its pyramid shape limited direct access the top information limited to those who need to know and positional of power in the form of new certain people in the organization is non obsolete.
As a dissemination of information the leader who operates from the center of the web has the same advantages as when in an information gathering role. Has direct access to anyone within the organization without having to resort to channels and thus avoid the attendant risks of dilution and distortion. While hierarchical relationships as a consequence of the dissemination of information limited through the span of supervision, necessary for coordination.
Linking with reading “Citizen Governance “ written by Box and specifically looking at Making Citizen Governance work, when we look at the principles of the community governance guide such as: Scale; Democracy: Accountability and Rationality all these enhance web approach in accomplishing the missions of set upon. This Open communication because freely flowing information is an essential component of webs as far as for citizen participation. Information without regard for position and right to know adds a sense of security and destroys uncertainty thereby building morale. Also from this reading one note that unlike traditional organizational models webs are not disbanded at each task. By maintaining the connections across levels the teams are able to keep and expand those linkages to the benefit of the society. Another aspect is that of constant reorganization which is equivalent to accountability, is about new ways of connecting people are needed in order for an organization to be adaptable to every changing situation and to redefine the nature of its business continual reorganization is facilitated because webs are so permeable. And last element is the expansion to the world outside, the web by its very nature can expand to include collaborative efforts with other individuals and groups to expand its reach and scope, the ability to try one approach and then another to discover what works and what does not provide an effective strategy for operating in a crisis when there is little time to prepare detailed plans.
                All these are crushing with Traditional hierarchical because it is not ready for change. The operational system is well established and everyone must follow the steps to arrive to the conclusion no direct way of submission of claim it must pass through the channels. Like in an army everything is set up you cannot jump from lower to top.
                But in terms of professional aspects and ethical issue traditional hierarchy is more liable unlike web inclusion because it more free and it can sometimes not practicing these professionally.

Helgesen, S. (1995). The web of inclusion. New York: 
Peter Kobrak(2002). Political Environment of Public ManagementPearson.

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